From Ship Decks to Jewelry Chests: Christine Kesteloo’s Travel-Inspired Collection

handcrafting traveler ring christine kesteloo 3

Embark on an unforgettable voyage through my life at sea – from navigating vast oceans to creating jewelry collections inspired by my global adventures. With over a decade spent intermittently onboard ships and now living at sea with my seafarer husband, each day brings a new destination in every corner of the world. I’ve witnessed the world’s beauty firsthand and seek to share it with others through travel-inspired jewelry. So, come aboard and let’s embark on a unique journey…

Christine Kesteloo smiling into the camera while wearing a black top and several designs from her travel-inspired jewelry collections.

Commencing at the Origin

Raised in a small farming community in Iowa, I never imagined I’d one day consider a Cruise Ship my home. Nor did I anticipate marrying a Dutch Seafarer and spending my 40s endeavoring to learn Dutch and mastering the art of cycling everywhere.

My name is Christine Kesteloo. At 42, I reside on a Cruise Ship. The travel bug didn’t bite me until I turned 30, and in the past 12 years, I’ve explored a total of 108 countries.

During my journeys, I’ve always collected a tangible item to encapsulate memories – jewelry. In each country, a piece of jewelry would find me, and I’d add it to my collection. My jewelry serves as my narrative. Each piece holds a story – where I acquired it and the emotions I experienced at that moment. Some pieces are lavish, while others are more modest; some are handcrafted, while others were acquired in a spur-of-the-moment decision fueled by piña coladas at sunset, immortalizing the “YOLO” sentiment – You Only Live Once!

Undoubtedly, jewelry holds and will always hold immense significance in my life.

My Collaboration with Dune for the Travel-Inspired Collection

Upon meeting Holly, the owner and founder of Dune, I felt an instant connection that we were destined to collaborate. Holly has nurtured this business from its inception. It’s a women-led venture brimming with passion. Let me clarify one thing – I provide the travel inspiration, and Holly breathes life into the designs.

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I have a profound connection to stones like Larimar, Abalone Shell, and elements I encounter during my travels. With the Traveler Collection, my aim was to empower everyone to design their own piece infused with their travel experiences. Through Larimar, I wanted individuals to feel a connection to the ocean whether they’re at their desks, cooking for their families, or planning their upcoming vacations. Similarly, with the 7 Continents Collection, I wanted to inspire a sense of unity with the world. There’s a universality in wearing an element from each of the seven continents!

Handcrafting process for the Traveler Ring by Christine Kesteloo.
Traveler by Christine Kesteloo
Product shot of two The World Is Yours Stationary Necklaces with sand from all 7 continents.
The World Is Yours 7 Continent Sand Stationary Necklace

Collaborating with Artful Bracelets and the Owner/Designer, Holly, has enabled me to fuse my passion for travel and jewelry. Amid this vast collection, I hope you discover a piece that resonates with your story. Brace yourself; many become enamored by Dune, turning into “Dunies” with jewelry chests filled with thrilling tales.

If you wish to experience the essence of an inner world traveler and wear a design crafted with elements from all 7 continents, explore my collection.

– Christine Kesteloo


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