What is the Value of Tsavorite?

How Much is Tsavorite Worth?
Tsavorite, a highly sought-after variety of garnets, is known for its popularity and higher price range, making it one of the priciest garnets available.

Considering purchasing Tsavorite jewelry for yourself or a loved one? You may be curious about the cost of this green gemstone.

This guide provides all the details you need about Tsavorite’s value and worth.

Popularity of Tsavorite

As the rarest garnet on Earth, Tsavorite’s captivating green color and exceptional beauty have made it highly desirable. Despite being formed around 2 billion years ago, Tsavorite’s introduction to the gemstone market is relatively recent.

Its popularity skyrocketed following a Tiffany & Co marketing campaign in the 1970s.

History of Tsavorite

Discovered in 1967 by British geologist Campbell Bridges within Kenya’s Tsavo Game Reserve, Tsavorite received its name from a Tiffany & Co representative recognizing its immense potential.

This gem is primarily found in Kenya and Tanzania, with the finest specimens originating from the Tsavo area in Kenya. The region’s volcanic activity history contributed to the formation of Tsavorite, which is most commonly found in smaller sizes.

Tsavorite Today

Over the past two decades, Tsavorite’s popularity has continued to rise, with its value increasing annually, particularly for higher-grade specimens.

Understanding Tsavorite

A green variety of grossular garnet, Tsavorite owes its vibrant hue to traces of vanadium and sometimes chromium. As a Calcium Aluminum Silicate, it is the most expensive and popular garnet variety, suitable for various jewelry types.

Determining Tsavorite Pricing


Tsavorites range in green shades, with emerald-green stones considered the finest. High-quality Tsavorites exhibit intense green without appearing too dark or yellow.

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Graded by the GIA color system, the finest Tsavorites score within the 5-6 tone range.


Clarity is crucial in Tsavorite pricing, reflecting inclusion levels. According to the GIA, Tsavorite falls under Type 2, meaning it typically contains inclusions. High-quality Tsavorites should be relatively clean, though perfect clarity isn’t required for top grades.


Tsavorite gems typically weigh under 2 carats. Stones above 3 carats are rare, while those exceeding 20 carats are considered world-class. Larger carats command higher prices.


This cut is gaining popularity, featuring a sleek, modern elongated oval shape made possible by modern technology.


Tsavorites are available in numerous shapes and cuts, with oval and cushion cuts being most common. For quality, cuts should be well-proportioned.

Favored Tsavorite Shapes

Ovals and cushions top the list of popular Tsavorite shapes, followed by rounds, emerald cuts, trillions, pear cuts, and marquise.

Cost of Tsavorite

Tsavorite is among the costlier garnet varieties, with price varying based on quality. Lower-quality stones with poor clarity can be inexpensive, while top-grade Tsavorites in perfect condition can reach up to $8,000 per carat.

Are Tsavorites Treated?

Tsavorite is unique among gemstones as it typically undergoes no treatment or enhancement, adding to its appeal.


Are tsavorite and emerald the same?

No, tsavorite and emerald are distinct gems; tsavorite is a type of garnet.

Are tsavorites valuable?

Yes, tsavorites are highly valuable gemstones.

Is tsavorite readily available?

Are garnet engagement rings popular?

Indeed, garnet engagement rings are a popular choice owing to their symbolism of love and their durability.

Are tsavorites durable?

Yes, Tsavorite is quite durable, with a 7.5 rating on the Mohs Scale, making it suitable for engagement rings.

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