Sparkling Secrets: Jewelers’ Techniques for Cleaning Engagement Rings

Jewelers Clean Engagement Rings
Your fine jewelry is among your most valued treasures. However, jewelry can lose its brilliance over time due to wear and tear. To safeguard your investment and keep your jewelry looking pristine, we advise having it professionally inspected and cleaned.

What Do Professional Jewelry Cleaners Do?

Professional cleaners utilize specialized cleaning machines and tools that are not commonly found in households. Before cleaning, jewelers conduct a thorough inspection of your jewelry to ensure the safety of your diamonds. Let’s explore the professional cleaning process in greater detail so you can understand how it works.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is often employed for diamonds and gemstones. This method uses high-frequency sound waves and cleaning solutions to create bubbles that attach to the dirt on the diamond, effectively loosening the grime.

However, you should avoid using ultrasonic cleaners for certain gemstones:

  • Gems treated with heat to enhance color, such as ruby and sapphire, should not be cleaned ultrasonically. Special care is needed for star ruby and star sapphire.
  • Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners on gemstones with surface-reaching fractures filled with substances like oil, resin, or wax, which can be damaged or removed during cleaning. Example gemstones include emeralds.
  • Gems sensitive to heat and temperature variations, regardless of whether they are treated, should not be cleaned in an ultrasonic machine. Examples are tanzanite, feldspar (sunstone and moonstone), fluorite, iolite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, malachite, opal, topaz, turquoise, zircon, and others.

Metal Cleaning (Polishing)

White, yellow, and rose gold, as well as sterling silver and platinum, are generally safe for ultrasonic cleaning. Rhodium-plated white gold can also be cleaned using a mild soap solution in an ultrasonic cleaner. Avoid using silver cleaning products on white gold, and refrain from using ultrasonic cleaning on tungsten due to its susceptibility to damage.

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After ultrasonic cleaning, jewelers use a high-speed polishing wheel to remove scratches and abrasions from the metal, restoring its original shine.

Steam Cleaning

The final step in professional jewelry cleaning is steam cleaning, which enhances the brilliance of your diamond. Jewelers use tongs to position the jewelry under a powerful steam blast, effectively removing any remaining dirt and brightening the metal, thus restoring the diamond’s original sparkle.

Professional Cleaning vs. Cleaning at Home

As discussed, professional jewelers have access to advanced cleaning equipment not available to the public. While at-home jewelry cleaners can remove some grime, nothing matches the thoroughness of professional inspection and cleaning. For home cleaning, use mild soap, water, and a soft-bristled brush to maintain the cleanliness of your jewelry. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of dirt and grime, but for optimal results, consider investing in at-home ultrasonic and steam cleaners.

Despite the convenience of cleaning jewelry at home, having your fine jewelry professionally inspected and cleaned is the best choice. Professionals can check the stability of stones and prongs, ensuring your jewelry looks brand new again. The unparalleled sparkle after a professional cleaning simply can’t be matched!


How often should I get my ring professionally cleaned?

It’s recommended to have your inspected and cleaned every six months. Frequent cleanings protect your jewelry and minimize the buildup of dirt and grime.

Can I steam clean my fine jewelry at home?

Yes, you can purchase at-home steam cleaners. These devices use high-pressure steam to remove grime, oil, dirt, and debris from your engagement ring quickly and without the need for cleaning solutions. However, professional inspection is still advised twice a year.

What is professional jewelry cleaning?

Professional jewelry cleaning involves a preliminary inspection to ensure stone stability and correct prong alignment, followed by ultrasonic cleaning with high-frequency sound waves. The process concludes with steam cleaning to reveal the full brilliance of your diamond.

How can I make my engagement ring sparkle?

Regularly removing grime from your diamond will keep your engagement ring sparkling and like-new for years. Consider your fine jewelry an investment and take steps to protect it.

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