Signs Your Partner is Preparing to Propose

Man holding engagement ring box for a proposal

1. Your Partner is Taking Charge of Upcoming Trip Plans

Proposing during a trip is a classic, romantic approach. To determine if your partner plans to propose on a trip, look for these telltale signs:

  • They are unusually in control of trip arrangements.
  • Parts of the trip are kept secret because they took the lead.
  • Their behavior is unusually nervous or excited.
couple traveling in a forest

2. Your Partner is Uncharacteristically Sentimental

When thinking about proposing, many people not only focus on the future but also become nostalgic about the past. If your partner starts reminiscing about key moments in your relationship, talks fondly of past holidays and travels, or sends more affectionate messages, it might be a sign a proposal is imminent.

3. Your Partner Discusses Future Plans More Often

Before proposing, people often gauge their partner’s thoughts on the future to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to rejection. Frequent conversations about marriage or long-term plans are strong indicators that a proposal may be in the works.

couple talking over breakfast

4. Your Partner Inquires About Your Ring Size

This is a pretty clear hint. If your partner has slyly taken one of your rings or asked to try one on, they might be attempting to get your size for a jeweler. Additionally, if they lead you into a jewelry store to try on rings “just for fun,” it’s a good sign that a proposal is coming. Learn how to determine your ring size.

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5. Your Partner is More Chatty with Your Friends and Family

Is your partner engaging more frequently with your family and close friends? They could be seeking their support or approval for an upcoming proposal. Even if they’re not traditional, increased interaction with your loved ones could signal that an engagement is near.

couple buying an engagement ring online

6. Your Partner is Acting Secretive

Planning a proposal often includes keeping some secrets to make the moment special. If they’re acting unusually secretive, jumpy, or nervous, it might be related to them planning to propose. Pay attention if they get particularly anxious about certain areas of their room or home, as it might be where they’re hiding the ring!

couple planning

Your partner might be:

  • Seeking your best friend’s thoughts on your relationship
  • Asking for advice on your jewelry preferences
  • Becoming more involved with the people you care about

These actions suggest they want to be more integrated into your life, indicating that they’re the right partner for you!

7. Your Partner is Saving Money

If your usually carefree partner suddenly becomes frugal, it could be because they’re saving for an engagement ring. Many people spend several months’ income on a ring, so a significant change in their spending habits might mean a proposal is on the horizon.

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