Crystal Clear Pink Sapphires

Pink Sapphire Clarity

Gemstone Clarity

Clarity pertains to any inclusions within the stone and its overall clearness. Natural gemstones exhibit inclusions, some more than others. Rubies and emeralds, for instance, often have more inclusions than amethyst or aquamarine. Diamonds follow a specific clarity grading because inclusions can affect their sparkle and brilliance.

Clarity and Pink Sapphire Value

Higher clarity in gems equates to higher value. Remember, clarity is just one aspect of the gem’s quality; the cut, carat, and color must also be considered. Also, inquire about treatments for clarity and color, as it’s common for many gemstones to undergo such processes. While inclusions confirm the stone’s natural origin, some can be distracting. Expert gem cutters minimize visible inclusions. ‘Eye clean’ stones, devoid of visible inclusions, are highly prized. Pink sapphires with excessive inclusions are often repurposed into beads or other jewelry types.

Types of Pink Sapphire Inclusions

Curious about inclusions in pink sapphires? Various gemstones have distinct inclusions. For pink sapphires, common inclusions include needles, fingerprints, feathers, smaller crystals, and cavities.


Needles, another typical inclusion, can vary in size and appearance; they might be distinct or resemble silk. In some stones like rubies and sapphires, needle formations may form stars. In amethyst, extensive needles can render the gemstone opaque and less valuable, yet richly colored specimens with needles are often beautifully transformed into carvings or cabochons.

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Fingerprint inclusions, frequently found in rubies and sapphires, appear as cloudy, net-like hollow patterns filled with liquid and gas, resembling fingerprints.


Feather inclusions can be conspicuous or subtle, resembling a feathery crack within the gemstone when viewed at the right angle.

Smaller Crystals

During its growth, an amethyst crystal might encase another, often smaller, crystal. The prior crystal’s presence is indicated by a spot of different color within the stone, identifiable by its crystalline structure.


Cavities form when an inclusion falls out during cutting or polishing, creating hollow imperfections. Even careful gem cutting can result in such issues. Cavities are sometimes hidden beneath prongs in amethyst rings, making them less noticeable.

Pink Sapphire Clarity Scale

Like other gemstones, pink sapphires are graded based on inclusions. These naturally occurring crystal formations mean even the finest natural stones are expected to contain some inclusions. If a gemstone appears completely inclusion-free, verify its authenticity as a natural stone rather than synthetic. Surface blemishes such as scratches or chips are also possible. Thorough personal inspection of the stone is crucial.

Pink sapphires usually have some inclusions, which add uniqueness. The highest clarity grade for pink sapphires is perfection, meaning completely clear to the naked eye (eye clean). Subsequent grades—VVS (Very Very Slightly included) and VS (Very Slightly included)—acknowledge minuscule inclusions that do not significantly affect the sapphire’s appearance.


How do you know if pink sapphire is real?

Professionals determine a pink sapphire’s authenticity by examining its inclusions using a microscope or magnifying glass. Lab-created sapphires can appear flawless, while natural ones typically have inclusions. Synthetic stones made with glass will exhibit bubbles.

Which is the best clarity grade for a sapphire?

For clarity, sapphires are graded from perfection to very slightly included. It is advisable to choose pink sapphires with VS (Very Slightly included) or VVS (Very Very Slightly Included) clarity grades.

Does the color of the pink sapphire become dull over time?

Pink sapphires maintain their brilliance and do not dull with age. Their appealing color and sparkle continue to make pink sapphires popular. They come in various shades, from dark to light pink, and purplish tones.

Is pink sapphire a sturdy gem?

Pink sapphires are highly durable, rated 9 on the Mohs hardness scale (diamonds are rated 10). They are known for their resistance to chipping and damage.

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