Chic and Subtle Jewelry Picks for Funeral Attire

It’s perfectly acceptable to wear understated jewelry at a funeral. Consider the following options to complete your funeral attire.

Keyword(s): funeral attire

2.4 million funerals take place annually in the US.

The idea of a traditional funeral is changing, with an increase in various types of memorials. Beach celebrations of life and green or woodland funerals are now more commonplace.

As funeral practices evolve, so does the corresponding attire. While black was once the staple, subtle tones and modest accessories are now widely accepted. Nevertheless, conservative styles remain standard for most funerals to show respect for the deceased.

If you’re planning to attend a funeral or memorial service, here are jewelry recommendations to help you stay elegant and unostentatious.

Funeral Attire

Select conservative clothing for a traditional funeral. Avoid low necklines and high hemlines, keeping away from outfits that are too short, sexy, or revealing.

If you’re a close friend or family member, black is appropriate. For others, subtle neutral colors like navy, brown, or gray are fitting. Consider the cultural traditions linked to the deceased’s family. For example, white is the funeral color in Hindu culture, while black is disrespectful.

In Chinese culture, red indicates happiness and is unsuitable for funerals, even as an accessory.

Choose simple, polished shoes and avoid vibrant colors or bold patterns. A funeral or memorial service is not the place for attire fitting a cocktail party.

If attending an outdoor funeral, a modest blazer, sweater, or hat can enhance your respectful appearance. An umbrella and handkerchiefs can be practical, whether it’s due to rain or someone nearby being emotional.

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During the summer months, opt for lightweight, comfortable, yet conservative clothing, and ensure your footwear offers comfort as you may be standing for long periods. Plain sunglasses are acceptable, but avoid anything too flashy.

A classic, polished look is best for most funerals, with waterproof mascara as a precaution. Keep your makeup and jewelry minimal.

1. Pearl Necklace

When choosing jewelry, aim for elegant and subtle pieces, steering clear of showy or flashy items.

Pearl necklaces represent a demure, sophisticated, and glamorous choice. Both shorter, conservative pearls and longer, modern styles are appropriate.

Pearls offer a stylish and understated look, reflecting pride in your appearance without seeking undue attention.

2. Diamond Studs

Avoid jewelry that swings or makes noise. Diamond studs offer radiance without drawing too much attention. Their timeless and classic shine is ideal.

3. Tennis Bracelets

Although trendy jewelry can be fun, it’s typically not suitable for a traditional funeral.

A tennis bracelet, featuring precious diamonds or gems linked by a thin chain of precious metal (gold, platinum, or silver), is a simple and elegant choice for a memorial service.

4. Ankle Bracelets

In warmer weather, silver or gold ankle bracelets are appropriate for a funeral. Select designs with simple gemstones or artistic elements, avoiding bright colors and charms.

5. Gold Hoop Earrings

Small gold hoop earrings add elegance to dark outfits. Pairing them with a short gold necklace featuring a single precious stone highlights femininity. Ensure your earrings are not too large to maintain a respectful appearance.

6. Pendant Necklaces

Simplicity is essential for pendant necklaces at funerals. Consider bar pendants, filigree coins, or lockets made of precious metals.

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A conservative collar or sheer neckline will enhance the look of pendant necklaces, giving a sophisticated touch.

7. Cuff Links

Men should adhere to conservative styles, such as button-down shirts and ties, potentially with a blazer.

Cuff links add a refined touch to formal wear, with black cuff links being traditional and respectful.

8. Gemstone Earrings

Small gemstone earrings in ruby, sapphire, or emerald are suitable as long as they are conservative. For an all-black outfit, they offer a hint of color without being flashy.

While genuine gemstones are an option, clean and sparkling rhinestones are just as acceptable.

9. Sentimental Jewelry

The exception to conservative jewelry is when wearing something that honors the deceased’s preferences.

A cat-shaped brooch for a cat lover or a golf pin for an avid golfer can be a fitting tribute.

Remember, the aim of a funeral is to pay respect to the deceased, not to draw attention to yourself. Anything that says “I am here to honor a life” embodies class and dignity.

Jewelry to Enhance Funeral Attire

Funeral attire should be modest, conservative, and simple. The jewelry you choose should follow this suit, though you might pick pieces that specifically honor the deceased.

For more sophisticated jewelry ideas, check out our today.

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