Diamonds in the Dark: A Shopper’s Handbook

Black Diamonds
When most of us think of diamonds, the first thing that comes to mind is the traditional colorless sparkler. However, did you know that black diamonds also exist?

Known as {“carbonados”}, this rare gemstone is gaining in popularity. Consequently, many people are now asking their jewelers if black diamonds are genuine. At Artful Bracelets, we assure you that black diamonds are just as authentic as mined or lab-grown colorless ones. Indeed, they’re rare and valuable. However, before you decide to purchase black diamond earrings, consider the following points.

What do black diamonds mean?

Everything has a meaning, and black diamonds are no exception. Their black color symbolizes authority and power, along with the significance of diamonds, suggesting wealth and importance. Some view these gemstones as attracting achievement, stability, and inner strength, while others see them as symbols of strong relationships and romance, just like white diamonds.

We believe that the unique meaning behind these gemstones is one reason black diamond engagement rings are becoming more popular.

How are black diamonds different?

1. Apart from their color, black diamonds stand out from other colored diamonds in several ways. A significant difference is how they acquire their color: through graphite crystals and other irregularities within the stone. Graphite, a form of carbon, is well-known as the material used in pencil lead.

2. Essentially, natural black diamonds are a combination of two types of pure carbon. They resemble pieces of charcoal when found in nature, hence the name carbonados. The primary sources today are Brazil and the Central African Republic.

3. Another major difference is that black diamonds should appear opaque because their black color results from absorbing all the light.

Many large black diamonds have uneven color, which is undesirable. When shopping for men’s black diamond wedding rings, ensure the diamonds have a uniform color.

Black diamond color, cut, and clarity

If you’ve shopped for white diamonds, you know they are graded by the 4 C’s: carat, color, cut, and clarity.


The carat is consistent across all diamond colors, with a slight difference: black diamonds are a bit less dense, so a one-carat black diamond may appear smaller than a white diamond of the same weight. Thus, we suggest pairing black and white diamonds for a “fuller” look.

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Black gemstones differ in terms of color grading as well. While white diamonds are graded on a D-Z scale, with D-F being colorless and G-J nearly so, GIA and other reputable labs have distinct criteria for colored diamonds.

Generally, black diamonds are labeled “fancy,” and their color is marked as either natural or heat-treated. Ideally, a black diamond should have an excellent color distribution without white specks or visual distractions.


Like all diamonds, black stones need to be cut before they can be set into jewelry. Black fancy stones can take any cut that other diamonds can, but round brilliant and princess cuts are the most common.

Brilliant cuts maximize a diamond’s sparkle. Although sparkle is different in carbonados, cutters aim to make as much light as possible reflect off the pavilion (top) facets. Round brilliant cuts are popular for black diamond engagement rings, with princess cuts (square brilliants) a close second.

Other brilliant cuts include oval, pear, marquise, and heart. Step cuts, which have long lines and fewer facets designed to show off clarity, include the famous emerald cut, originally created for emeralds.


Unfortunately, most black diamonds can’t readily receive a clarity grade from gemological laboratories. If the black color is well-defined and the gemologist can examine the facets, the stone can earn a colored diamond grading report. Such carbonados are rare and expensive.

Jewelry professionals use a different scale for black diamonds: AAA denotes the best quality, while I1 is the worst. Desirable carbonados are dark and uniform in color, well-cut, and lack “streaks” that detract from their blackness.

A black diamond should feature a stone with glossy reflection off the facets. AAA-grade black diamonds meet these criteria, while AA-grade ones may have minor surface flaws or less intense black color. At Artful Bracelets, we only use AAA-grade carbonados, and our black diamonds are heat treated for your satisfaction.

Black diamond treatment

Like other colored gemstones, black diamonds often undergo heat and pressure treatment to enhance their color. While most stones are treated to improve clarity, black diamonds are treated to turn lower-quality white diamonds black using three methods:

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1. Radiation treatment changes inclusions and rearranges atoms to turn the stone black.

2. High temperature, high pressure (HTHP) also turns the stone black by forming graphite inside the crystal.

3. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) causes the diamond to form differently.

Going shopping?

At Artful Bracelets, our gemologists are here to help you find the perfect natural black diamond ring. We offer ready-made rings priced between $2,000 and $3,000, and custom rings can vary in cost. Knowing your budget is crucial, especially for engagement rings, so pick a price range that’s affordable yet impactful.

We also provide financing options for significant purchases. Unsure about shapes? We’ll guide you. Remember, certain shapes offer better value (princess), while others are timeless (round). If you prefer a black diamond ring, consider 14kt white gold for a stunning contrast that makes the black stone pop.


What is a black diamond?

A black diamond, also known as “carbonados,” is a rare gemstone that is black in color as opposed to the traditional colorless diamond. Like their white counterparts, black diamonds symbolize strong relationships and romance.

Are black diamonds real?

Yes, black diamonds are indeed real and are quite valuable.

How to identify a black diamond?

Authentic black diamonds will always have an uneven surface under 10x magnification. Additionally, both black and white diamonds have high density; performing a water drop test can help verify authenticity. If the stone sinks to the bottom in a glass of water, it is likely real.

How much are black diamonds worth?

The value of black diamonds depends on whether they are heat-treated or untreated. Treated black diamonds average $300 per carat, whereas untreated black diamonds can cost around $3,000 per carat.

Are black diamonds rare?

Yes, black diamonds are rare. Only about one in 10,000 natural diamonds is colored, and an even smaller fraction of these are black.

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