Feeling Anxious? Here’s What to Say When You Pop the Question

Man proposing to woman in Washington DC

We understand: Planning the perfect proposal can be nerve-wracking for even the most composed individuals. But since you’ve already determined the right time to propose, it’s now about taking the plunge. Will you stumble over your words and hope for the best? Not necessarily! Here are some techniques to help you craft the ideal proposal.

Free-write the Reasons You Love Them — No Editing Allowed

There’s a special reason why you want them as your partner for life. Maybe they’ve shown you the beauty in expressing emotions or inspired you to face your fears and chase your dreams.

Get your feelings out by jotting down all the reasons you love them. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar — you can refine them later. Just let your thoughts flow on paper. If writing isn’t your , try recording a voice memo instead!

Describe the Moment You Realized They Were the One

There might be a specific moment that elevated your partner to The One. Perhaps it was when they cared for you during an illness, or maybe it was a quiet Sunday morning over coffee.

Use this pivotal moment to shape your speech by narrating what you were doing and how it made you realize they were the one for you.

Share What You Love Most About Them

This should come naturally. Pretend someone asked you why you love your partner, and list all the reasons. It could be their smile, their humor, or their deep compassion for family.

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Discuss Your Future Together

You’ve probably talked about your future together by now. What does it look like? Perhaps you dream of having three kids and a farm, traveling the world, or living on a beach in Costa Rica. Use the proposal to talk about these dreams and articulate how you can’t imagine them without your partner by your side.

man opening ring box as he proposes

Simply Say Those Four Words They’ve Been Waiting For

Sometimes, the simplest proposal is the most effective. If a long speech isn’t your style, just find the perfect moment, get down on one knee, and say the magic words: “Will you marry me?”

Most Importantly, Stay True to Yourself

The temptation to look up proposal ideas online or on social media is strong, but resist it. While other speeches can inspire you, don’t use them word-for-word. They won’t sound authentic.

Gather inspiration, but write your proposal in your own voice. Make sure it includes specific moments you’ve shared and observations unique to your relationship.

Looking for help to make your proposal special? Contact us! Our gemologists are happy to assist you. Reach us by phone at 206-623-5339 or email at service@artfulbracelets.com. Live Chat is available during business hours, Monday through Friday, from 10 AM to 6 PM ET.

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