The Ultimate Showdown: Deciding Between VS1 and VVS2 Diamonds

woman tuching fiances face wearing engagement ring

One strategy for affording a larger carat or a more intricate diamond cut is to opt for slightly lower clarity.

At Artful Bracelets, we adhere to the Gemological Institute of America’s clarity scale, which categorizes diamonds into 11 grades from Flawless to Included. Most diamonds fall within the Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS) and Very Slightly Included (VS) range.

Though classified into different grades, VS1 and VVS2 diamonds are just one step apart. So, which should you choose? It hinges on your priorities and preferences.

VS1 vs VVS2: Understanding the Clarity Differences

Good : The clarity difference between VS1 and VVS2 diamonds is minimal.

VVS2 diamonds, which belong to the Very, Very Slightly Included range, have extremely small inclusions that are a bit more visible under magnification than those in VVS1. However, these inclusions are nearly invisible, even at 10x magnification. Common inclusions in VVS2 diamonds include cloud, pinpoint, feather, and natural.

vs1 vs vvs2 stone comparison

VS1 diamonds, part of the Very Slightly Included range, have inclusions observable under magnification. These are typically minor and generally do not affect the diamond’s sparkle. Common VS1 inclusions include cloud, feather, needle, crystal, and indented natural.

VS1 vs VVS2: Price Variations

While the differences between VS1 and VVS2 diamonds are subtle, the price varies based on the clarity grade selected.

VVS2 diamonds offer excellent value among the higher clarity levels without sacrificing brilliance. Conversely, VS1 diamonds are less expensive than their VVS2 counterparts. Ultimately, the cost of your diamond will also depend on factors such as color, cut, and weight.

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VS1 vs VVS2: Final Considerations

Choosing between VS1 and VVS2 diamonds ensures you’ll acquire a stunning, eye-clean stone. Differences are only visible under magnification, which you likely won’t use to view your diamond. Your decision boils down to what’s important to you: Will you invest in clarity that isn’t discernible to the naked eye?

vs1 vs vvs2 closeup stone comparison

You don’t have to make this choice alone. Our expert gemologists are here to help you evaluate each diamond on its own merits. Answer a few questions, and one of our specialists will help you select the perfect clarity and appearance for your diamond engagement ring.

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