Effortlessly Deciding Between Oval and Marquise Diamonds

woman wearing oval engagement ring holding dress

How to Decide Between Oval and Marquise Diamonds

Both oval and marquise diamonds are known for their elongated shapes, which create a slimming effect on the wearer’s finger. These brilliant-cut shapes are renowned for their exceptional sparkle, making them popular choices for engagement rings.

The oval engagement , a blend of round and marquise shapes, offers a modern twist on a traditional stone. Originating in the 1960s, the oval cut exudes a classic and timeless charm. Its length makes fingers appear longer and more slender. Although there’s no definitive perfect cut, the length-to-width ratio is based on individual preferences.

For those with active lifestyles, oval diamond rings are a great option as their lack of sharp edges reduces the risk of chipping and wear. The smooth curves provide a romantic touch, and oval diamonds appear larger than other shapes, offering buyers a larger diamond at a lower cost.

Oval Cut Diamonds

Most oval-cut diamond rings feature a dark spot in the center, known as the bowtie effect, caused by light not reflecting back into the stone’s middle. Though it might seem like an imperfection, many buyers find the bowtie effect to be a unique and captivating feature. However, it’s recommended to view oval diamonds in person to gauge the bowtie effect, as an overly pronounced bowtie can detract from the ring’s overall beauty.

Marquise Cut Diamonds

Resembling the oval cut, marquise engagement rings have an elongated body that tapers into pointed tips, making them appear larger than other diamonds of the same carat weight. Known as the “navette” cut, meaning “little boat” in French, this shape originated solely for diamonds but has since gained popularity among other gemstones like rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.

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Though not the brightest in terms of brilliance, marquise diamonds are distinguished by their elegant shape, lending sophistication to any ring. However, their pointed edges are more prone to chipping.

Origin of Marquise Diamonds

Dating back to the 18th century and King Louis XV, the marquise cut was inspired by the shape of his mistress’s lips. The name “marquise” itself denotes royalty, referring to a rank between a count and a duke. Marquise diamonds were worn by courtiers to display their status and are now favored by modern brides for their historical charm. Many prefer colored versions to the traditional colorless diamonds.

When purchasing a marquise diamond, the Cut is paramount among the Four C’s (Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat). Buyers should watch out for the bowtie cut, which causes a noticeable dark spot, and the football cut, which lacks sufficient radiance. The ideal marquise cut has enough surface area to reflect light without the bowtie effect.

Diamond Shape Affordability

Despite the bowtie effect in both diamond shapes, marquise and oval diamonds provide significant brilliance and create the illusion of slender fingers. Since both cuts appear larger than their carat weight, they are more affordable than other diamond shapes.

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