Fire refers to the colorful flashes that occur when a diamond disperses light. Scintillation is the flickering between light and shadow, creating that twinkling effect in a glittery stone. As for diamond brilliance, it is the white flashes or white light return when light hits the diamond. But how can one measure that? Let’s delve into diamond brilliance and learn how to assess it when picking out a stone.
What is Diamond Brilliance?
Surprisingly, diamonds don’t come out of the ground looking stunning. They possess a rough, opaque “skin” that is polished and cut away to reveal their brilliance.
How does this work?
Think of diamond brilliance like a window. Light enters a window based on the glass’s absorbency. Imperfect or misshapen glass won’t let light through as clearly as a clean window pane. The same holds true for diamonds. A diamond with poor brilliance won’t reflect light adequately and will look dark and dull, while a diamond with well-crafted angles and a good cut will absorb and reflect plenty of light.

The Importance of Cut and Polish for Diamond Brilliance
Why is cut and polish so crucial for diamond brilliance? Simple: the cut of a diamond can determine whether its brilliance shines through.
Upon mining, a professional diamond cutter evaluates the diamond to find the best cut that maximizes its size and natural properties, opting for either a step cut or a brilliant cut. Step cut diamonds, which have fewer facets (flat surfaces) on their crown, tend not to reflect light as well but display more fire and clarity. On the contrary, brilliant cut diamonds have more facets, reflecting more light and exuding greater brilliance.
Incorporating Scintillation
Cutting is not the only factor in determining diamond brilliance. Scintillation, or sparkle, also plays a key role.
Scintillation results from movement. For best results, either the diamond, light, or viewer must be in motion. The diamond must have sufficient structural contrast in its facets to bounce light around effectively.

Ideally, a brilliant diamond should exhibit even and balanced scintillation, meaning some facets should appear dark while others flash light. Achieving the perfect balance is essential; too much darkness and the stone looks too dark, too little and the diamond lacks sparkle.
Ensuring You Get a Brilliant Diamond
All the talk of scintillation, cut, and facets can be overwhelming. So, how do you use this knowledge to find the most brilliant diamond for your engagement ring? Focus on the cut grade. The cut and polish foster these effects, so seek excellent polish, finish, and cut for the best brilliance. Diamonds with these top ratings are Triple Excellent or Triple X diamonds.
However, don’t buy one blindly. Consult a gemologist to discuss pavilion angles (avoiding steep ones) and ideal cuts (steering clear of deep or shallow stones). At Artful Bracelets, our expert gemologists can explain diamond brilliance in detail and help you find the perfect diamond engagement ring to suit your dreams — and budget.
What is diamond brilliance?
What is the brilliance of a round diamond?
Do lab diamonds exhibit the same brilliance as natural diamonds?
Why does a diamond sparkle brilliantly?
A diamond’s brilliance is due to internal refraction, as it has a high refractive index. The reflection, refraction, and dispersion contribute to a diamond’s sparkle. It all boils down to light performance.
When light strikes a diamond, it penetrates, reflects within, and eventually returns to your eye, creating the sparkle we adore. The diamond’s cut (angles, facet location, size, and shape) directly influences its brilliance.